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Ever wondered,
What if you lived your life to your fullest potential?
Coaching as an instrument for making sure you get on that path and stay on it.
Imagine that you have only this one life to live? (Exactly!) Or how about just deciding to see how far you can go in this lifetime? How would you live it differently?
Sounds big? Precisely! Attain a bachelor in international business in order to become an Australian citizen to then go into photography, despite being colour-blind? Why not! (One life after all, right?) Immense oneself in Coaching studies in Washington, New York, London and Amsterdam while taking away time from a successful fashion photography career twelve years later (so, colour-blindness wasn't an issue as one found out)? And this in order to answer the finally matured deeper calling for contributing to humanity, one person at a time? Why not again!

We evolve. And together with us evolve our dreams and we better pay attention to them.

This is a part of the journey I am on, but let's look at your life.

Try answering this question:
What would you be doing if you knew you could not fail?
Give it some thought before continuing to read…
Didn't get anything? So it wasn't on the surface and you gave up after a minute or two? Nothing wrong, but pay attention to what you said to yourself if nothing was coming up. And now I invite you to try again. Trust me, there is an answer in you (even if you did get something – go deeper).
ANSWER THE question:
What would you be doing if you REALLY knew you could not fail?
This time give it more thought before continuing to read and write down your answer (by writing you are starting to shape a neural pathway to this reality)...
Now THAT is the dream I want to work on with you. Nothing less.

Seriously. Have you heard of a difference between reactive vs proactive? Responding vs creating?

Get a piece of paper.

Take a few minutes to stare at it. If nothing is coming still – look out of your window. What do you see? What is it making you think of? And then start writing your answers to these three questions:
1. Where do you notice that you're not going for things you wish you were?
2. If you could change one thing that would enable you to be on the path of your dream, what would it be?
3. What is standing in your way of making that change?
Notice, how did you approach these questions? From what perspective? What if there is a part of you that is strong and resourceful WHILE at the same time there is a part of you that isn't? Congratulations, you are a human! And I want to add this:

WHICH part of yourself you choose to be in conversation with MORE OFTEN determines HOW MUCH (or how little) joy and fulfilment you experience in life.

Start paying attention to which part of you is in charge.

There is a version of you that knows that you can actually handle most of the challenges. It becomes visible when you are allowing yourself to dream, to think "what if I could?". That's the person you love and enjoy being. And sometimes, when trusting that voice, you've taken steps towards a dream. Or stood your ground for something you believed in, with dignity and strength. Or were ok with transitioning into the unknown. At the same time, somehow and somewhere and sometimes you can change when faced with pressure, deadlines, of fears. Suddenly, there is less of you that you enjoy and more of you that you don't. "What if I could?" changes into "Why I can't or shouldn't try". And then another opportunity, another year passes.

What if you could not only remain your better self that you enjoy while facing the resistance, but also look forward to such stressors, because you will start seeing them as instruments for your own growth?

Or perhaps it's completely the other way around and you can't handle the quiet, always doing, achieving, conquering. And yet, being always busy is making you tired and unable to relax. What if that was your challenge? To learn how to be more while doing less?

The goal of our work together will be to first design, and then build, a life that you would love living. And since your life consists of at least several pieces (career, growth, family, expression, fun and others), we will be touching on all of them, but which ones – it will be always up to you.

As we work together, you will start noticing patterns of decision-making that remain the same for you, whichever area we touch, which is why good coaching is transformational coaching in how a person evaluates themselves and the world around them, to be then used in any of the areas chosen.
The role of a coach:

My job will be to support you while challenging at the same time. I will be asking you direct and important questions during each session to unlock your dreams as well as what's holding you back from living them. And I will be expressing honestly what I am trained to notice. So expect a range of emotions to come up.

Your job is to be honest with yourself and to complete the assignments, to the best of your ability, in between the sessions that we will both come up with for you. And to be kind, yet firm, with yourself on this journey.

Our coaching will consist of:

- creating a clear vision of what that dream life would look like to you;
- finding out what obstacles are standing in your way;
- establishing the person you need to be or grow into in order to continuously move towards it;
- building resilience to continue when things aren't working out as you wished;
- celebrating failure: if you're successfully completing every coaching assignment we come up with – we are not pushing against the boundaries of your comfort zones and it isn't good coaching. If you are sometimes failing, then we are right where we need to be.

When to come to coaching?
When you want to work on any of the following:
Picking up speed
You are doing great AND you want more.
You have a feeling that your potential is much higher than where you are now, even if where you are now is a pretty good place.
The way you've been doing things in the past is no longer helping you get to the next level.
You feel stuck with a topic, the way you are in a relationship or with a choice.
You need to make some important decisions and have been stalling, concerned with "what if's".
You are out of balance and want to move ahead in life while staying grounded and having time to do the things you enjoy.
You are frustrated, snappy, or no longer excited about the life you've created. Until now.
Coaching compared to therapy and consulting

If I tell you what you should do – that is consulting, not coaching. Consultants are experts in specific fields and have solutions. A trained coach is a professional at uncovering your unique potential.

If you want me to help you heal or fix something – that is traditional therapy, not coaching. Can be very useful to repair damage or remove heavy blocks.

If you are ready to move forward and want to create a life that you would love to live and want a partner in working with you getting there – that is coaching with me. You will get homework, I will tell you honestly what I am trained to notice and If, during coaching, we learn that you need specific advise that goes outside my scope or expertise (say, on money) – I will refer you to a (e.g. financial) consultant. If an emotion keeps coming up time after time and gets in a way of your progress towards your dream – I might suggest that you get curious about this topic for a session or two with a therapist.

As your coach, I will hold you from going too much into the past and instead bring you towards your present while pointing towards your future. A future that you can choose. I will be asking you "What do you need in order to move a step closer to your dream?". And I will expect that you will honestly look for answers.

My job is to help you uncover them.
Does coaching work?

It will be up to both you and me in making it work for you. If you're committed to making progress and have an open mind – then the odds are in your favour. Co-Active Coach® training program has been hailed as the "Gold Standard" by the Institute of Coaching, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, which has been linking findings to support the effect of the Co-Active model backed up by evidence-based scientific research. I am trained in one of the more effective models for human transformation available. The rest is up to you and me.
How to work with me:

1. Book a 60-minute online sample session and answer one important question on that page (the question might be familiar to you). Sometimes one session can be enough to unlock something inside of you.

2. If we decide that we want to work together, you can choose from booking 3, 6 or 12 sessions, depending on the size of your goal. We will meet online or offline twice a month with support between meetings.

If you are ready – be prepared to go on a journey of self-awareness, uncovered dreams, new perspectives and of laughter at your own fears. Yes, they don't really go away completely, but we can loosen their grip on you.

Looking forward to challenging you, with my utmost respect!

What my clients are saying
Anton Zemlyanoy
About me: I am a CTI-trained Co-Active coach, currently in ICF PCC certification. A program recognised by Harvard as a truly working developmental approach. With degrees in international business and computing from University of Technology in Sydney, a successful career in fashion and portrait photography (antonz.com.au) and a platform of inspirational advice for freelancers Talented-U behind my shoulders, I have been dedicating my professional career to being a facilitator of lives that clients love designing and living.
Co-Active coaching
Personal and professional development

Co-Active Coaching is an experience of personal and professional development unlike other kinds of coaching. Based on the Co-Active Model, it begins by holding the coachee as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and completely capable of finding their own answers to whatever challenges they face. The job of a Co-Active Coach® is to ask powerful questions, listen and empower to elicit the skills and creativity a client already possesses, rather than instruct or advise. Co-Active coaching uses an array of proprietary tools developed by CTI that have been proven as the gold standard over the past 25 years of the coaching profession.

Gold Standard of Certification Programs

CTI's prestigious CPCC – Certified Professional Co-Active Coach – designation may be earned through our ICF-accredited certification program, the most rigorous and respected in the industry. The Co-Active Coach® training program has been hailed as the "Gold Standard" by the Institute of Coaching, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, who have linked the four cornerstones of the Co-Active Model to evidence-based scientific research.

Read more about co-active coaching and CTI on www.coactive.com
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